Sulphurous algae are algae that have grown in environments with sulphurous water and have therefore taken on its properties.
Sulphurous water: water with a dissolved hydrogen sulphide (H2S) content greater than 1 mg/L. Has a smell that is reminiscent of rotten eggs. Is clear, soft and unctuous to the touch. Has a salty taste. Characteristic of muddy soil. There are two types of sulphurous water: calcium and sodium. Another exclusive characteristic of sulphurous water is the presence of suspended bacteria from the sulphur cycle (gleins or barengines), which hugely enhance the therapeutic effects of these types of healing mineral water. This water is usually hot.
Sulphur: a mineral that is present in large quantities in the Earth’s crust. It fulfils a number of important functions within the body. Egyptians used it to purify temples.
This is the water found in the “Font de la Tartera” spring, one of the 37 springs at the Caldes de Boí Spa.
Discover its properties
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergen effects.
Emollient and desquamation agent for eczematous dermatitis.
Within balneotherapy, sulphurous algae have the highest number of therapeutic indications.
Why use Sulphurous algae in your cosmetics routine
It is especially suitable for cases of psoriasis, dermatitis and acne. In addition, it helps eliminate toxins and calms skin plagued by eczema or allergies.
Boí Thermal has selected this algae as one of the ingredients in Sulphaterm, its thermal mud.